With his unique understanding of Science and Spirituality, best selling author, Maurice Cotterell, examines the nature of the mind, heart, body and soul, to reveal the secrets of Heaven, Hell and Purgatory; and the secrets of what you are, where you are and who you are. In 1927, a study of twins, by the psychologist Johannes Lange, proposed that heredity determines personality. But, re-examining the findings, Cotterell discovers Lange to be the victim of his own research; he failed to notice that the personalities of the brothers and sisters of the twins contradicts his own conclusion. The author explains that Lange was right—up to a point—but, following conception, our 28-day spinning Sun produces 12 types of genetic mutations and, as a result, 12 types of personality each year; exposing, for the first time, the causal mechanisms of personality determination. Ancient sun-worshipping civilisations revered the Sun as the ‘god of Astrology’, and the ‘god of fertility’ and Cotterell discovers, through an in-depth study of their treasures, that the leaders were far more scientifically advanced, and spiritually aware, than we are today. They understood how our 28-day spinning Sun determines personality, and how it regulates the 28-day fertility cycle in females. Remarkably, each used the same enigmatic process to encode their secrets into their treasures—for future generations to discover for ourselves. But, how could they have all used the same encoding process? And how could they have all encoded the exact same knowledge—given that the Olmecs and Mayas, of Mexico, the Mochica and Inca, of Peru, the Egyptians, the ancient Chinese, and the Celtic Christians were separated by hundreds, or thousands, of miles and lived hundreds, or thousands, of years apart? Cotterell argues, persuasively, that the only rational explanation must be that the leaders were reincarnations of the same spiritual being. They came to Earth to teach the ‘super-science of the Sun’ and the ‘higher orders of spirituality’ to help us get to Heaven the next time, if we fail to make it this time around. He explains how the Christian Monk, St. Aidan, ‘miraculously’, compiled the Lindisfarne Gospels, and then reincarnated as Lord Pacal, of the Maya; how both used the same anachronistic numbering system, and how both conveyed the same information as Jesus did, in the Holy Grail. He shows, with a forensic examination of the archaeological evidence, that the so—called ‘Arthurian Legend of Excalibur’ is actually based on ‘fact’. And he reveals how the 11.5-year sunspot cycle is responsible for the 12-year Chinese Astrological cycle, and how it triggers puberty12 years after conception, and the menopause, 36 years later. The book brings-together both Western and Chinese Astrological understanding to provide a complete picture of ‘Behavioural Astrology’, to help you to understand, and cope with, the difficulties of life. It explains ‘how to spot a star-sign’, ‘how to find the perfect partner’, and ‘how to control your destiny’. The book is for the general reader with no previous knowledge of Science. |